Notify me using Ansible!

Notify me using Ansible!
Photo by Isis França / Unsplash

Waiting moment

One of my friend from office took a Red hat examination, all of us in the team are all excited for him to pass.

However it took a while for him to get the results, thus all of us are waiting.

But I don't want to wait in Red hat's verify site if he already passed, therefore I thought on how to automate it and use Ansible for it.

I used a Linux server that sits all runs 24/7 and placed my Ansible playbook there.

To start my Ansible playbook:

# I'll create a playbook using vim
[aj@server ~]$ vim cert.yaml

It needs the necessary headers, the goal of the playbook is for it to run locally in the machine thus decalring the hosts as localhost and connection as local to prevent it to ssh (since ssh is not running).

- name: check if he succeeded
  hosts:  localhost
  connection: local


In the tasks area I need to get info from the Red hat verify website and getting the specific certification id and exam, In this example I used shell module to execute my command, then register the result to result varaiable.

  - name: get data from red hat
    shell: curl -s | grep 'YYYYY' | wc -l
    register: results

Note: XXX-XXX-XXX is the certification ID, and YYYYY is the exam code.

In the command I used in the shell module I expect 2 outputs, it's either "0" if he doesn't have the certification or "1" if he already passed it.

Thus I want to proceed in 2 actions.

1st action is if he didn't have the credentials yet, It will reschedule the same playbook again.

  - name: schedule this playbook using ansible
      command: ansible-playbook /home/aj/cert.yaml >> /home/aj/runlogs
      count: 10
      units: minutes
    when: results.stdout == "0"

2nd action is if he has the credentials, It will send me a message using telegram.

  - name: notify if he survived
      chat_id: -PPPPPPPPP
      msg: "Friend passed YYYYY Exam!"
    when: results.stdout == "1"

Note: AAAAAAAAA:BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB is the telegram chat bot token and PPPPPPPPP is the chat id of telegram.

So the final playbook.

- name: check if he succeeded
  hosts:  localhost
  connection: local

  - name: get data from red hat
    shell: curl -s | grep 'YYYYY' | wc -l
    register: results

  - name: schedule this playbook using ansible
      command: ansible-playbook /home/aj/cert.yaml >> /home/aj/runlogs
      count: 10
      units: minutes
    when: results.stdout == "0"

  - name: notify if he survived
      chat_id: -PPPPPPPPP
      msg: "Friend passed YYYYY Exam!"
    when: results.stdout == "1"